Sunday Shooting
Meet at 10.00
Check with key-holders (all committee members) as to who will open up
If three or more members wish to shoot on Sunday, and if they can find a key holder to open up for them and close up for them, then they will be able to shoot. You will need to sort this out on Saturday between yourselves.
All members can come along on a Sunday and shoot, the only criteria is that we have at least 3 members and two must be over 18 years of age, are experienced archers and know the rules of shooting and can set a shooting range out correctly and that one of the key holders is available to open up and also lock up. Associate members must be accompanied by at least two adult members of Thomas Wall Archers
Ideally these Sundays would be arranged the previous week or on the Saturday, and also the round that would be shot. To do this you will need to talk to one of the key holders, and sort out between yourself how many of you want to shoot. Please remember you will be setting up the field when you shoot on Sunday, there is still the same amount to do and maybe not so many people to do it